Period: 2013 – 2016
Donor: USAID through Africare Tanzania
Fund: TZS 480,428,600
Mwanzo Bora Nutrition Program (MBNP) was funded by USAID; Consortium Partners are: Africare (Prime), COUNSENUTH, the Manoff Group and Deloitte, Tanzania. The main goal was to Support the Government of Tanzania to implement its National Nutrition Strategy, focusing on reducing maternal anemia and reducing child stunting among children 0-59 months by 20%. The program was implemented in Zanzibar and Tanzania Mainland. Mwanzo Bora geographical coverage included Manyara, Morogoro and Dodoma regions, 8 Shehias in Chakechake, North A and Micheweni districts.
Action for Community Care (Previousily Sharing Worlds Tanzania) was the sub-grantee/implementing partner of Africare implemented the project in Dodoma Municipal and Bahi District in Dodoma region. Key interventions were capacity building to Community Health Workers, Health facility staff and LGA leaders; establishment of peer support groups, information dissemination, awareness creation and Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) through 1000 days kit (mkoba wa siku 1000). 312 Community Health Workers were involved in the project. Furthermore 387 peer support groups formed and strengthened, and more than 12,000 beneficiaries were reached.