Period: 2022
Donor: Uwezo Tanzania
Fund: TZS 17,996,000

This is an assessment of life skills to youth whereby Uwezo Tanzania engaged ACC to cordinate implementation of this assessment in Mpwapwa district. ALIVE is an initiative of the Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI) Partnering with UWEZO through the Values and Life Skills Thematic Cluster. It is a 3-years initiative, whereby 20 civil society organizations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda are collaborating to Develop open-sourced contextualized assessment tools, Generate large-scale evidence through a household-based assessment of adolescents (13-17 years); Inform policy decisions and public awareness to focus on supporting the development of values and life skills and Develop local assessment capacities and amplify East Africa’s voice on the regional and global platforms. The initiative has prioritized the measurement of four competencies across the three countries: Self-awareness, Problem-solving, Collaboration and Respect. The activity were successful implemented whereby 380 youth aged 13 to 17 years were reached for data collection.

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